Abortion Pills in Sunnyside

Medication Abortion Pills in Sunnyside also called the abortion pill, can be taken up to 70 days (10 weeks pregnant). You can buy an abortion pill online in Sunnyside and get it at your door step. The FDA has approved abortion pills by mail.

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Safe Abortion Pills in Sunnyside

Is it safe to do abortion by yourself in Sunnyside?

Abortion pills are safe for individuals in the first trimester (up to 13 weeks pregnant) can self-administer mifepristone and misoprostol medication for an abortion without direct supervision of a health-care provider in Sunnyside.

Abortions are safe if they are done with a safe method that is appropriate to the pregnancy duration, and if the person providing or supporting the abortion is trained. Checkout safe abortion pills in Sunderland Ridge available for you.

The risks of medical abortion in Sunnyside

The risk of an abortion with medicines are similar to the risks of commonly prescribed medicines and over the counter medication such as antibiotics and some painkillers. An abortion with pills in Sunnyside is much safer than childbirth and safer than plastic surgery.

Using Mifepristone and Misoprostol is no more complicated than using other medications.

A medical abortion does not need to take place in a hospital or urgent care center. The risks of a medical abortion are the same as those of a miscarriage. About 15% of all pregnancies end in a miscarriage. These miscarriages do not happen in a hospital but usually at home.

Abortion women clinic in Sunnyside, most women know how to deal with it themselves and only go to a hospital in case of problems like heavy bleeding or fever. A medical abortion provokes a miscarriage. You can take the medicines yourself at home as long as you are not longer than 10 weeks pregnant and live within one hour of medical help.

How to use abortion pills in Sunnyside

Learn how to use abortion pills in Sunnyside with these abortion pills infographic instructions resources in English.

How to take the pills depends on how long you have been pregnant. Pregnancy is measured starting from the first day of the last menstrual period, not from the date of conception or sex.


Step 1: Swallow the 1 mifepristone pill (200mg) with water.


Step 2: 1 hour before you take misoprostol, take ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) 800mg (4 over-the-counter pills) or naproxen (Aleve) 440 mg (2 over-the-counter pills) by mouth. If you are allergic to ibuprofen, you can take acetaminophen (Tylenol) 1000 mg by mouth instead.

Step 3: 24-48 hours after taking mifepristone and 1 hour after taking pain medication, take 4 misoprostol pills (total 800mcg). You can take misoprostol in different ways:

In the mouth: Put 4 pills under your tongue, or between your cheeks and gums. Hold them there for 30 minutes or until they dissolve. After 30 minutes, swallow whatever remains of the pills.

In the vagina: Insert 4 pills deep into the vagina and lie down for 30 minutes. This route is not recommended if you don’t want anyone to find out about the abortion, because pieces of the pills can be found in the vagina for several days.

Step 4: IF YOU ARE MORE THAN 9 WEEKS PREGNANT OR you have not yet started bleeding, take another 2 misoprostol pills (total 400mcg) 4 hours after the first misoprostol dose.

Step 5: Keep taking 2 misoprostol pills every 3 hours until all of the pregnancy tissue is out. On average, it takes around 3-5 rounds of misoprostol (or 6-10 hours), but some people will need more doses.

You will have some misoprostol pills left over after following these instructions. Do NOT throw them away. Keep them in case you have a problem later and we tell you to take them.

How long do you bleed after an abortion pill in Sunnyside?

Abortion Pills in Sunnyside, The heaviest bleeding typically occurs 2-5 hours after taking Misoprostol and usually slows down within 24 hours of using abortion pills, but times may vary.

How long will the bleeding last after abortion pills in Sunnyside?

Light bleeding can continue for 1-3 weeks after using abortion pills in Sunnyside, but times may vary. Then the normal menstrual period usually returns after 4-6 weeks.

The heaviest bleeding typically occurs 2-5 hours after using Misoprostol and usually slows down within 24 hours. The most intense cramping and bleeding generally lasts for 3-5 hours, but it can last for less or more time.

It is normal for your body to take time to empty the uterus completely. Some women bleed heavily for up to 48 hours and may pass clots days or even weeks after taking the Misoprostol. This is common and is not dangerous, unless you soak through more than two maxi pads per hour for 2 hours or more, or when you lose heavy clots bigger than an orange. Every woman’s body and experience is different.

What to expect after taking Misoprostol pills in Sunnyside

After taking misoprostol abortion pills in Sunnyside from connect women clinic, bleeding is often the first sign that the abortion has begun. If the abortion continues, bleeding and cramps become more severe. Bleeding is often heavier than a normal menstruation and there can be clots in the blood.

The longer the pregnancy has developed, the heavier the bleeding and cramps will be. When the abortion is complete, the bleeding and cramps will diminish. The moment of abortion is sometimes indicated by a peak of heavier blood loss with increased pain and cramps.

What are the side effects of Misoprostol in Sunnyside?

These side effects may occur shortly after taking Misoprostol:

Bleeding, cramping, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, hot flashes, fever. Get more information from connect women clinic in Sunnyside.



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